Visit of the Cité internationale de la langue française
— Visit
At the invitation of the French Embassy’s Department of Cooperation and Cultural Action, the Minister for Culture, Eric Thill, visited the Cité internationale de la langue française on 18 June in Villers-Cotterêts for an exchange with the management of the Cité and the curator of the exhibition, Barbara Cassin. Eric Thill was received by Paul de Sinety, General Delegate for the French Language and the Languages of France at the Ministry of Culture, and Paul Rondin, Director of the Cité.
In his speech, the Minister for Culture, Eric Thill, was impressed by the Cité’s immersive experience and creative approach: “Today’s visit has reinforced our desire to design a permanent exhibition on the Luxembourg language and Luxembourg’s unique linguistic situation, its history and its future, inviting visitors of all ages to explore our living heritage and appreciate its importance to our society.”
— Villers-Cotterêts
The historic château is a symbolic place for the French language, since it was here that François I signed the famous decree in 1539 making it compulsory to use French instead of Latin in administrative and judicial documents. It has been completely renovated at the request of the French President, to make the Cité internationale de la langue française a living showcase for the French language, a place that invites visitors on a journey through the French language and the Francophonie world.

Institut français du Luxembourg
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