Opening of the exhibition
« Jeux Olympiques – En route vers Paris 2024 »
This 2023-2024 school year will be devoted to a cultural sports programme, with a view to the Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games!
The Embassy of France / Institut français de Luxembourg, in partnership with the Ministry of National Education, Children and Youth, is offering Luxembourg secondary schools the opportunity to host an exhibition devoted to the history of Olympism, from its ancient origins to its current global influence: “Jeux Olympiques – En route vers Paris 2024″. Created by the Musée National du Sport in Nice and comprising 16 panels, this richly illustrated exhibition is a real educational resource for discovering the different facets of Olympism, its symbols and values, and the great athletes and leaders who have marked its history. The birth of the Paralympic movement, symbols, rituals and the social impact of the Olympic and Paralympic Games are just some of the themes explored.
The opening of the exhibition took place on Monday 25 September at the first school to display the panels, Vauban, Ecole et Lycée français de Luxembourg, in the presence of the French Ambassador, Claire Lignières-Counathe, and a number of VIPs including members of the Luxembourg Olympic Committee, representatives of the Victor Hugo Association, secondary schools and other guests invited to celebrate the 2024 Olympic Games in Paris.
In addition to this exhibition, the Institut will be offering a host of activities including conferences, shows and even a sports film festival entitled “Le sport fait son cinéma”.

Institut français du Luxembourg
Tél. : (00352) _46 21 66
Email : contact@ifluxembourg.lu
Institut français du Luxembourg
Tél. : (00352) _46 21 66
Email : contact@ifluxembourg.lu
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