Drawing competition
Tribute to the Luxembourg painter Jean Jacoby, Paris Games 1924-2024
The Jean Jacoby competition invites secondary school students of the Luxembourg school system to draw in the style of Jean Jacoby.
— Drawing Competition
To mark the Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games, the French Embassy in Luxembourg and the Institut français du Luxembourg, with the support of the Ministry of Education, Children and Youth, and in partnership with Association Victor Hugo, the Musée national d’archéologie, d’histoire et d’art, the Luxembourg Embassy in France, Nhood and Auchan Cloche d’Or, are organising a drawing competition to pay tribute to the Luxembourg painter Jean Jacoby.
Run by a committee comprising representatives from the Institut français du Luxembourg, the French Embassy in Luxembourg and the Ministry of Education, Children and Youth, the competition is being organised as part of the celebrations for the Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games, with the aim of promoting sport and the values of Olympism in Luxembourg.
This is a drawing competition, based on an artistic work, in the style of the painter Jean Jacoby, honouring one of the sporting disciplines competing in the Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games.
The competition is open to a specific audience, on a voluntary basis. There are two school categories:
– Enseignement fondamental category: any pupil in cycle 4 of basic education, or equivalent, may take part.
– Lycée category: any pupil in the 3rd or 2nd year of upper secondary education in a Luxembourg secondary school, whether public or private, conventional or general, or the equivalent for other education systems, may take part.
The competition is open until 14 June inclusive, with registration possible until 7 May.
— Jean Jacoby
Jean Lucien Nicolas Jacoby was a Luxembourg artist. He won Olympic gold medals in art competitions at the Olympic Games in 1924 for his painting Étude de sport and another in 1928 for his drawing Rugby. This makes him the most successful Olympic artist of all time.
Competition rules

Institut français du Luxembourg
Tél. : (00352) _46 21 66
Email : contact@ifluxembourg.lu
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