Group Workshops

for kids

  💪 Grand slam in French!🏅
Our workshops give your children the confidence and skills they need to express themselves in French!

“My daughter has expanded her vocabulary and she is more interested in learning French. ” – Maria
Like Maria, register your children for a new term of workshops in French!

The dates of the workshops for kids are outside the Luxembourgish holidays.

 Group Workshops

for teens

💪 Take the reins in French! 🏅
During the workshops, teens are strongly encouraged to take part in hands-on activities to improve their written and spoken French expression and comprehension skills.

“I liked the teacher and the very friendly learning atmosphere.” – Ziqiu
Register your teens for a new term of workshops in French, so they can learn in a friendly atmosphere, like Ziqiu!

The dates of the workshops for teens are outside the Luxembourgish holidays.

 Fall Campus

for kids & teens

🎃 Chilles of fun in French! ​🕸️​​​
Interactive exercises and activities for fearless French learning, in October, for your kids and teens – to celebrate Halloween in French!

“My son has loved his lessons! The topics are fun, novel, and exciting as they are always linked to the context/ time of the year in which they find themselves.” – Loana
Like Loana, register your kids & teens for our Fall Campus* in French! (registration opening end of September 2024)

*No class on Friday, November 1st



Your thoughts and comments

Rated 4.8 out of 5
4.8 out of 5 stars (based on 113 reviews)
Very good14%

Des cours de qualité

Rated 5 out of 5

J’ai fait appel à l’IFL pour que mes enfants se perfectionnent à l’écrit en français. Je souhaitais qu’ils préparent l’examen du DELF adapté à leur âge ( 13 et 9 ans). L’enseignante sélectionnée par l’Institut a parfaitement rempli sa mission. Elle a procédé dans un premier temps à une évaluation puis elle a mis au point un programme individualisé, ciblant les lacunes à combler. Les enfants ont passé avec succès l’examen, avec de très bons scores.
L’Institut répond efficacement aux attentes des personnes souhaitant apprendre le français, en recourant à de véritables professionnels ayant une bonne maîtrise de la pédagogie. Merci à eux !


Highly recommended

Rated 5 out of 5

I’ve undertaken 7 courses with the Institute Français over the past 3 years, and they have all been excellent. The four teachers I’ve had were dedicated, knowledgeable and genuinely encouraging towards my efforts. I have progressed a huge amount in the time and am sitting the C1 level exam shortly (and hoping to pass!).


Individual classes

Rated 5 out of 5

The classes are well prepared in advance. the tutor adapts the speed to the speed of the student but at the same time does not deviate from the program. Lots of good vocabulary and exercises to train it.



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Institut français du Luxembourg

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